Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Night 8: light of the world

Night 8:
wow if you have made it this far and done everything on this list or even a little bit Congratulations!!!! you should be tired ( I know I always am)

Light of the world
this is a review of what we talked about each night

fun movie: even steven's Chanukkah  no reason special for this other than it is cute
Flame hat - great idea for the "lighting of the menorah!"
Christmas fanart - My grandson and I - Made with schwedesign.de
hanukkah_2_1_big.jpg (567×822)
link for this 

"Hanukkah Lights"  Luminary

Monday, December 22, 2014

night 7: slaves to righteousness

night 7:

slaves to righteousness

we talk about what this means.
fun movie:In the spirit of fun for each night we watch the disney Chanukkah movie : full court miracle


Saturday, December 20, 2014

Night 5: the heavens are telling of the GLORY of GOD

Night 5:
the heavens are telling of the GLORY of GOD

this is a good night for praise and worship!!! it is important to teach your kids how to worship so this is an amazing time to do just that we talk about David praising GOD with all his Psalms. Also a good time to do praise dance with the kids which is something my kids love to do.

fun movie: Shalom Sesame Chanukkah

Childrens Ministry:: Week 14:: Craft with kids, used at end of program with music activity
for sunday school

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Chanukkah night 3

Night 3:
The Menorah
I don't know about you but I love the tabernacle and Temple pictures of the messiah and we will go over just that one very special piece of furnature.... the light of the tabernacle

fun movie: Hanukkah on planet matzaball

I chose this movie cause it has a great song about the Chanukkiah that my kids love ( so do I)


Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Night 1: All about the Macabees

Night 1

the Hanukkah story!!!
for this night we read our many verisons of the Hanukkah story of the maccabees and we will normally do a play of the story.... so much fun.

fun movie: the macabees movie

for this make your own mask of Judah Macabee
make your own sheild and sword

lapbook :http://ronypony.blogspot.com/2010/11/chanukah-copywork-activity-pack.html

Song for tonight:

Monday, December 15, 2014

Shamash..... Making ready for Chanukkah


first let me just say I feel that it is a need to have the book light in the darness or “LIGHT” from First fruits of Zion ministries if you haven't seen that book it is a must. It is my favorite book for the Chanukkah and we use it every year. And you will find that my activities for kids will go along with that book!!!

Night of the Shamash Candle

the night of the Shamash Candle is the night before Chanukkah starts, it is is a night in our family that we make ready our home for Chanukkah we pray over the kids and bless them, pray over the house and rededicate our home and our family to ELOHIM ( God ). the interesting part of this night is this special candle it is the candle that lights all the other candles it is called the Shamash candle because Shamash means Servant, as a believer in messiah Y'shua ( Jesus) it is just another picture of what he is to our lives a servant who gives us the light so that we may light the world.

Activity for Shamash with kids

have children write out the Sh'ma or trace it and tie it on the 4 corners of your property, also go around with oil and anoint each room and person in your home to make ready for Chanukkah.....

also let's talk Homeschool!!!

yes I homeschool for Chanukkah I try to make it fun and do fun things with the kids for each day
here are some resorces I use every year....

Thursday, July 24, 2014

B’reisheet | בראשית | “In the beginning”

B’reisheet | בראשית | “In the beginning”

TEN: Bereshit

This week we see the creation of the world and of both man and woman. We watch Adam and Eve in their life in paradise and their eventual exile from the Garden of Eden.
1.       What existed before God started to create the world?
The earth was astonishingly empty with darkness. (1:2)
2.       What was created on the second day?
The heavens. (1:8)
3.       When was Man created?
On the sixth day. (1:26-31)
4. In whose image was man created?
In God’s image. (1:27)
5.       What did God do on the seventh day?
He rested. (2:1-3)
6.       What two important trees were placed in Gan Eden (paradise)?
The tree of life and the tree of knowledge. (2:9)
7.       From what was Woman created?
From one of Man’s Ribs. (2:21-23)
8.       What convinced the woman to eat from the tree of knowledge?
A serpent. (3:1-6)
9.       What were the jobs of Adam and Eve’s two children?
Cain was a farmer and Abel was a shepherd. (4:2)
10.   When God was angry at mankind there was one man who God found grace in. Who was it?
Noah. (6:7-8)
- See more at: http://www.challahcrumbs.com/ten-bereshit/#sthash.cJgPY41V.dpuf

Work sheets for B'resheet

Menu for B'reisheet

Menu Madness: Bereshit

Bringing Parsha to your Table… one dish at a time
Themed Shabbat meals allow us to focus on the Parashat HaShavua in an engaging and dynamic way.
Here is the meal that I plan to serve for this Shabbat on which we read about the creation of the universe. Each dish will represent a day of creation:
Day one: light and dark
  • a platter of white basmati rice and black rice served side by side
  • On Friday night, we’ve also served black bean soup and white bean soup poured into the same bowl. When poured simultaneously, they stay distinct and separate.
Day two: separation of the waters and the firmament
  • Layered mocktail drinks (orange or pineapple juice and grenadine or cranberry juice work well) To layer a mocktail, you need a clear glass, a spoon, and juices of different densities. Start by pouring the heaviest liquid into the cup (syrupy drinks such as grenadine are heaviest). Invert your spoon in the glass and pour the next layer over the back of the spoon very slowly and gently. That should help the next layer fall smoothly atop the first. If you are brave enough for a third layer, just remember to go form heaviest to lightest.
Day three: trees, seeds, and flowers
  • Salad made of broccoli trees, flowers created from vegetables (i.e., pepper petals, string bean stems, carrot flowers, alfalfa sprout grass) etc. If I find edible flowers, I would definitely include them.
Day four: sun, moon, stars
  • A gorgeous sunburst made of pureed winter squash, cranberries, and apple slices.
  • Star-shaped pasta, a small bowl (small relative to the sunburst) of mashed potatoes for the moon.
Day five: birds, fish, etc.
  • A bird’s nest created out of spaghetti, birds shaped out of chicken tenders with black sesame seed eyes and tails made from cellophane-topped cocktail picks.
Day six: Humans
  • Easy to recognize God’s greatest creation: RIBS!
  • Sinfully delicious chocolate cake–shaped like a snake. To create a snake cake, bake cakes in two bundt pans (I have mini bundts that I am using for a very narrow snake), cut each cake in half, and line up the halves in alternating directions to make a swervy snake. Decorate the snake with frosting tinted green and an array of candy embellishments; your family and guests will understand just how enticing that serpent could have been!
  • To honor the creation of darkness and light, we are making black and white cookies and have bought black and white jelly beans.
Shabbat Shalom.
crafts for B'reisheet